“Low-hanging fruit.”
Business jargon seems to be taking over our offices. Aside from being cringe-worthy and borderline cliche, business jargon or “management speak” makes communication vague and unhelpful.
Additionally, this kind of “code language” can be extremely isolating to new people or people from other cultures, where business jargon is not widely used.
There is a better way.
There is plain language.
— “5 Steps to Plain Language”A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily find what they need, understand what they find, and use that information.
Doesn’t that sound nice?
It isn’t just a dream. It turns out that as of 2010, it’s a law that all U.S. federal agencies must make information available in plain English. That push for clarity, however, doesn’t extend to businesses.
To vanquish tiresome and unhelpful business jargon, we must take matters into our own hands by striving to use plain English at work, speak directly, and keep it simple.
So, how well can you convert business jargon to plain language? Take this quiz to find out whether you can identify simple English alternatives to business slang.
What is business jargon like in your workplace? Which words or phrases get under your skin?
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