Monday, April 16, 2012

5 Strategies to Improve Your Business Writing

Guest post by Greg Fowler 

Even if your career isn’t focused on writing, the ability to write well can strongly influence your business opportunities. A poorly-executed email, or a resume filled with mistakes, can damage your reputation. To advance your career and impress your boss, develop your writing skills by employing the following five strategies.

Keep Your Writing Concise Brevity is important.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

11 Adorable Canine Readers

It’s the cutest day of the year—March 21, National Puppy Day! We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to look at dog pictures and wanted to share our favorites. These adorable reading buddies will make your heart melt.

Potato plans to pick up reading habit now!

A photo posted by Abhilash KV (@abhilash_kv) on

just planning out our meals for the week ?#ChickenWithBacon #Bacon #AndMoreBacon #Muwahahaha

How to Write Better Cover Letters

Imagine, for a minute, that you’re an employer. You need to fill a position and you receive hundreds of applications every day. You’ve deleted the ones from senders like, the ones with misspellings in the subject line or email body, and the ones that sound like generic templates.

Then you read a cover letter that shows knowledge of the position, skill fit, proper grammar and spelling, and enthusiasm.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Truly or Truely —Which Is Correct?

  • Truly is the only acceptable way to spell the adverbial form of the adjective true.
  • Truely is not an alternative spelling; it’s a common mistake.

Some adjectives like nice, fine, and blue retain their final e when adding the adverb suffix -ly: nicely, finely, and bluely. With truly, this is not the case.

Is It Truly or Truely?

Although some monosyllabic adjectives ending with “e” retain it when they adopt the -ly suffix to become adverbs, true isn’t one of them.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Traveling or Travelling?

How great is it to travel? To meet new people, see new places, experience different cultures, live life the way life is lived somewhere else. Plenty of good things are associated with travel, but there’s one particular issue that can make traveling annoying: the spelling. Travel is easy enough to spell and not at all confusing, but “traveling,” “traveler,” “traveled”? These words are a common cause of confusion because some people spell them with one L while others use two.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Simple Present

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding ‑s or ‑es to the end.

I feel great! Pauline loves pie. I’m sorry to hear that you’re sick.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Proofreading Tips for a More Productive 2016

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re either a writer or a person who frequently comes into contact with the written word. You might be a journalist who writes articles, a blogger who writes blog posts, a student who writes term papers, or an activist who writes grant proposals. As long as your life includes at least an occasional putting of a pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, you know how important it is to proofread everything you write.